Fake “Cali Packs” Are Flooding The UK. Don’t Get Caught up in The Hype!

Fake Cali Packs have been flooding the UK market in recent years, with many unsuspecting buyers being duped into purchasing what they believe to be premium Californian grown cannabis, only to later discover that they have been sold a fake product. These so-called Cali Packs are often very convincing, with packaging that mimics well-known brands […]

“20 Serious Health Conditions” That Medical Cannabis Can Help to Treat in 2024.

As of 2024, cannabis has become increasingly recognized as a valuable tool in treating a variety of medical conditions. With ongoing research and evolving understanding of the plant’s potential benefits, the list of conditions for which cannabis is being used continues to grow. Here are 20 medical conditions that cannabis is now being used to […]

CBD vs THC. How Do Their Effects Differ & What Are The Positives of Using Them?

Cannabis is a plant that contains over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids, with two of the most well-known being cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While both CBD and THC have therapeutic properties, they differ in their effects on the body and mind. Here are the main differences between CBD and THC. Now, let’s explore the […]